Saturday, June 12, 2010

Tinker Falls, NY and Labrador Pond

Approximate Length: Together about 1 mile
Approximate Elevation Change: relatively little

These are two relatively easy ways to get outdoors. Together these two walks are equivalent to about a mile, and the parking areas for the two walks are only about 1.5 miles from each other. I did these hikes after a more demanding (approximately 4 mile) hike in Morgan Hill State Forest.

The boardwalk provides an excellent opportunity to be able to walk through a marsh and see fauna and sites that would normally be inaccessible. Also, the end of the board walk provides a great view of the pond.

The Tinker Falls trail, is about half a mile up and back. It is not a very difficult walk, and seems rather well visited. The waterfall is very nice, and there is a bench at the end of the trail to sit on and just enjoy the beauty of the water.

Labrador Pond

Tinker Falls, NY

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