Sunday, May 30, 2010

Salt Springs State Park, PA

On Friday morning, I went to Salt Springs State Park in Pennsylvania. While it is not a huge park, it is pretty close to 81 and worth a stop while passing through at the least. I was only there for a little bit of time because it was on my way to my second hike for the day at Ricketts Glen.

The falls trail (Fall Brook Trail) is a great hike. The trail follows the river, and you actually climb up the sides of the fall. The trail can be hard to follow, and in spots there are narrow ledges that you walk along. While there are not huge changes in altitude on the trail, the trail does require climbing and careful footing.

The second trail that I walked while there was the Hemlock trail. This trail is through a wooded area, that is on the ridge directly above the Fall Brook Trail. Part of the trail is on a wood walkway. The walk is up one main hill, and is not very difficult.

I plan on exploring some more of the trails at the park at a later date. However, the falls are definitely worthwhile to go back to.

Salt Springs State Park, PA

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