Sunday, May 30, 2010

Ricketts Glen State Park, PA

On Friday afternoon, I went to Ricketts Glen State Park in Pennsylvania. This is an amazing hike. I would highly recommend going there. The streams are picturesque and in any other hike would be the highlight. However, the waterfalls are amazing and are obviously the highlight of this hike. There are 22 named waterfalls on the trails. The pictures I have do not do them justice.

I parked on rt. 118 and then walked a looped. The advantage of walking the hike this way is that you get to walk uphill on the first part of the hike and, downhill at the end. The hike is between 5 and 6 miles, see the approximate trail map below. I guessed this map based on the terrain map and satellite imagery in Google Maps, and memory. At the beginning of the hike there is an option between the Upper Trail and the Lower Trail. The Lower Trail follows the stream and is effectively in the stream bed in parts. The Upper Trail follows a ridge, it is not a huge elevation change, and the path is well maintained. It is a much easier walk.

Overall, I did not find the trail to be too hard, though there were people who were stopped taking breaks along the trial. They have warnings posted at the beginning of the trail, to be careful, and to wear proper footwear. However, if you are in shape and used to hiking, I do not think there is much that is different about this trail. I do think the trail could be a bit dangerous in spots if it is very muddy, which the warning says.

There were a lot of people on the trail, do not expect being alone near the waterfalls. There are too many people walking around with tripods with their cameras that insist on walking as close to the falls to get their pictures. However, it is definitely worth going out of your way to visit.
Ricketts Glen State Park, PA

Salt Springs State Park, PA

On Friday morning, I went to Salt Springs State Park in Pennsylvania. While it is not a huge park, it is pretty close to 81 and worth a stop while passing through at the least. I was only there for a little bit of time because it was on my way to my second hike for the day at Ricketts Glen.

The falls trail (Fall Brook Trail) is a great hike. The trail follows the river, and you actually climb up the sides of the fall. The trail can be hard to follow, and in spots there are narrow ledges that you walk along. While there are not huge changes in altitude on the trail, the trail does require climbing and careful footing.

The second trail that I walked while there was the Hemlock trail. This trail is through a wooded area, that is on the ridge directly above the Fall Brook Trail. Part of the trail is on a wood walkway. The walk is up one main hill, and is not very difficult.

I plan on exploring some more of the trails at the park at a later date. However, the falls are definitely worthwhile to go back to.

Salt Springs State Park, PA

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Green Lakes State Park

Today, I went for a brief walk at Green Lakes State Park. It is a pretty busy trail, where a lot of people will also go for a swim as there is a beach for swimming too. It its a really easy drive from Syracuse, in the Fayetteville area.

The walk around the lake is an easy one. The trail is gravel around the big lake, and mulch around the smaller one. It is a place worthwhile going to when you do not have lots of time for a hike, and still want to get outdoors and have some amazing views.

Green Lakes State Park, NY

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Fairhaven Beach State Park

May 22, 2010

Today, I went to Fair Haven Beach State Park. It is a little over an hour away from Syracuse. The park does not have lots of hiking trails. However, it does have a pier that was interesting to walk out on. On the pier you can get a view of the cliffs that you can hike later on.

The Lakeshore Trail and Woodland Trail are a rather easy hike. I am guessing walking the service road and the loop with the two trails out and back is about 2.75 miles based on Google Maps.

From Fairhaven State Park